We are a small farm located in Langley, BC (Campbell Valley) Canada. We built our forever home in 2014 and our beautiful barn in 2015 where we have our horses, sheep, donkey and don't forget the cats. At Renaissance Farms we focus on the health and care of this rare breed of sheep. Our goal is to produce and raise healthy and happy lambs. We provide optimal nutrition, a clean environment and lots of love to ensure that this breed will continue to thrive and grow for future generations. Babydoll sheep have been valuable in vineyards, sustainable agriculture, and organic farming. The recent trend toward small acreages has given them an important place in the new rural lifestyle for smaller animals.​We do all that we can as breeders to produce wonderful, well-natured loving pets, grounds keepers and beautiful wool producers. Plus who can resist that charming, wooly teddy bear face and smile !!
Did you know ...
Off-white or coloured sheep
Off-white sheep are sometimes bred to coloured sheep, this means that offspring can be off-white or coloured. Two off-white adults can produce coloured lambs. Two coloured adult sheep can produce off-white lambs, so it is difficult to determine the colour of the lambs.
Sheep need other sheep
Sheep have a strong flocking instinct. They feel safer when gathered together. Sheep need other sheep to feel safe. Separating one sheep out from the rest of the flock is disturbing and frightening to them. This is why we do not sell only one Babydoll lamb to someone who doesn’t already have Babydoll sheep. Sheep are flock animals and need sheep companions to be healthy and happy.